Sweet Milk & Goats Milk Soap for Sensitive Skin
Sweet Milk three milled soaps were originated in France hundreds of years ago. The processing of the soap went through the presser three times to rid it of liquid, making it a very hard soap. Hard soap hold better scent nad lasts longer. These "parfum" soaps were very expensive and a luxury most people could not afford.
Milk soap now often refers to soap that is processed multiple times, usually twice. Rarely is it pressed, rarely is it made by hand. It is more likely the soap has been rebatched (processed at leaswt twice), by hand. Going through the sponification process 2 + times changes the texture and density.
Sweet milk soap tends to become harder the more it is "milled". Our goat's milk soap comes with greek yogurt or without. Our sweet milk soap is thrice milled. We keep a small supply of thrice milled soaps; we make them twice a year. When we are out, there is a waiting list for the next batch.